Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 11

A lone little potato plant, buried under all those weeds. We worked around it, as it has tried so hard to survive! Nathan knocked this up for me this morning! He measured and sawed and drilled while I dug over most of that end again to make sure it was flat-ish. Found the snake again when I was digging over the garden. I lifted him out with the fork and threw him over the fence (since all the kids were in the garden with me). But I decided, since he was determined to live with us, that he was going to get whacked. Sorry snake.
Doesn't that look great! All the sleepers cost me $60, and the bolts Nathan bought cost him about $30 for 30. These two beds are each 1500 x 3000, or about 4 square-meters each.
Nathan's going to make me another one to sit beside it, and a 3x1.5m one up this (North) end. Next job: fill with veges!



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 7

  • Yesterday, Matt and Kylie (bro, sil) came for tea, and to drop off a birthday pressie. In the end, though, it was more than "chocolate eggs and tupperware" for "tacos and chocolate pudding". We had a great trade, where we gave them a heap of stuff they wanted that was just cluttering our house, and they gave us a heater for Zach's room. Also, Matt told me they were trying to get rid of a pile of imperfect wood, so today, after some measuring and texts, he's setting aside a dozen for me, size 3000x200x75mm. Cheap wood... Woo hoo!

  • The vege patch is 5x10m, and my part is 5x6. So I'm thinking 4 rectangles to fit. 2.5m by 2.75 or something. Four vege beds is perfect!!

  • Thanks, Matt and Kylie!

  • We did a bit more weeding this morning, and I took a pocketful of little easter eggs. I scattered them, a few at a time, when Byron and Jasmine weren't looking, and they kept "finding" them while I was digging. hehehehe.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4

Did some more weeding with the kids, and picked 170g of strawberries. Found more holes under the weeds, but a mouse ran out of one, so they're not all snake holes! hehe. Have weeded about 2/3 of my side of the vege patch now, but it looks like I could use a tonne of manure and mulch! Bit dry and dead-looking. Not a lot of worms.

  • +$49.30

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2

Put your backs into it, slaves!! hehehe. These are the 2 partial rows I had dug over before today. This kids prefer to dig the loosened up dirt. But, of course, weeding is fun for them, little weirdos! I dug over one more partial row to the left of this pic today.
This unassuming hole is where a little snake disappeared into. Byron had a chance to see it, but by the time I had my camera it was gone. Don't know what sort it was, but it was just a littley. Byron was the only one within the fence at this stage. He was digging a hole to find me some gold, bless him! I told him if he did, we'd give him a lolly.

And here are a few rogue veges I dug up from previous years. Actually the carrots are probably from the seeds I planted last year before the weeds took over again. Zachary's hand and foot show you how puny they are!