Put your backs into it, slaves!!

hehehe. These are the 2 partial rows I had dug over before today. This kids prefer to dig the loosened up dirt. But, of course,
weeding is fun for them, little weirdos! I dug over one more partial row to the left of this pic today.

This unassuming hole is where a little snake disappeared into. Byron had a chance to see it, but by the time I had my camera it was gone. Don't know what sort it was, but it was just a littley. Byron was the only one within the fence at this stage. He was digging a hole to find me some gold, bless him! I told him if he did, we'd give him a lolly.

And here are a few rogue veges I dug up from previous years. Actually the carrots are probably from the seeds I planted last year before the weeds took over again. Zachary's hand and foot show you how puny they are!